The Nation’s First Salivary Toxic Metals and Elements Panel
DiagnosTechs now offers the first-ever noninvasive salivary Toxic Metals and Elements test in the nation. We also offer a urinary TME test. This laboratory analysis of salivary and urinary elements is performed by highly-sensitive, gold-standard-quality ICP-Mass Spectroscopy Triple Quad technology.
Common sources of toxic metal exposures
- Contaminated paint dust released during home painting or remodeling
- Fish caught in areas with high levels of mercury
- Herbal supplements obtained from poor quality sources
- Contaminated garden soil
- Common, ordinary pesticides
- Unfiltered water or contaminated water from plastic bottles
- Silver (amalgam) dental fillings
Our unique TME testing helps your doctor determine if your metal and element levels may show potentially toxic levels linked to unexplained signs and symptoms. Your body needs small amounts of certain elements such as copper and zinc, but elevated levels of many metals and elements—such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium—can be toxic at any level.
Your test results can give your practitioner the chance to build you a personalized treatment plan.

Signs and Symptoms
Our TME testing can be helpful for evaluating patients who are at high risk of developing cancer, as well as those who are experiencing the following unexplained signs and symptoms:
- Joint and musculoskeletal pain
- Chronic fatigue
- Neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease
- Metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes) and difficulty losing weight
- Anemia (a classic sign of chronic metal exposure)
- Cognitive dysfunction such as memory loss, Parkinson’s Disease and “brain fog”
- Heart abnormalities such as cardiomyopathy or abnormal heart beat (dysrhythmia)
- Nervous system symptoms (e.g. numbness, tingling of hands and feet, and weakness)
- Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (hallmark symptoms with most cases of acute metal ingestion)
- Skin disorders such as eczema and/or psoriasis
- Autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis
- Hypertension
- Renal disease
- Liver disease
The critical advantages of Toxic Metals and Elements testing
- Metals can enter the body through the skin, by inhalation or ingestion.
- Symptoms can vary depending on the metal involved, the amount absorbed, and the age of the person exposed.
- For example, young children can be more susceptible to the effects of lead exposure than their adult counteparts.
- Modifications to environment and lifestyle can remove exposures that can contribute to the overall toxic body burden.
- Patients who experience unexplained health symptoms due to toxicity can work with their doctors to create treatment plans to help eliminate toxins and improve their quality of life.

Elements tested in saliva and urine analysis
*Only available in saliva test
Why is it so important to be tested for toxic metal exposure?
Chronic metal toxicity can result from long-term, low-dose exposure over time, or from sudden, severe exposure. As metals or elements accumulate in your body, symptoms can slowly worsen. If you have unexplained symptoms that have not responded to other interventions, ask your medical provider if our simple, noninvasive saliva and urine tests may detect potentially toxic metal exposures from your household or work environment.
What is the difference between testing saliva and urine? Would one be better than the other?
Our unique, new saliva test screen for which elements and concentrations can be present and circulating throughout your body tissues now, including in saliva and other biological fluids. By contrast, Urine testing specifically indicates which elements and concentrations are being eliminated naturally from your body.
These two separate tests demonstrate different—but equally important—information to your practitioner that can be contributing to your unexplained symptoms. When these tests are used together, your provider can help create a more comprehensive long-term health and treatment plan for you.
Why test saliva and urine as compared to blood?
The advantage of noninvasive procedures extends to adults and children alike. Many people can be uncomfortable, squeamish or afraid of needle testing.
Additionally, unexplained symptoms require different, unique testing options. Levels of metals and elements found in saliva and urine do not always correlate with levels found in the blood, as they are uniquely different biological fluids. Saliva can indicate which elements are present now throughout body tissues. Urine can show which elements are being naturally eliminated by the body.
Medical practitioners select specific tests to gather the most meaningful, comprehensive clues or indicators resulting in an optimum, accurate overall picture of your health.
Left untreated, metal toxicity can have lasting, damaging effects on your health. Work closely with your practitioner to ensure that you are following the most effective long-term treatment plan for your needs.
Toxic Metals and Elements Brochure